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Convocation Day 2016 at Dubai Campus


Topics: GMBA, EMBA, Graduation Day, Dubai Campus, Master of Global Business

Marcus Alves, VP (APAC) Kraft Heinz addresses students at Singapore Campus

On 22nd September 2016, S P Jain hosted Mr. Marcus Alves, for a guest lecture organised by the Corporate Relations team. Marcus is the Vice President, Revenue Management and Training Business, of the Asia Pacific region of Kraft Heinz. He spoke to the students about why Behaviour Economics is really Marketing Science.

Topics: Singapore Campus, Visiting Wisdom

Philippe Pédeboscq, Head of Finance (APAC) - Siemens Healthineers talks to students at our Singapore Campus

What is Healthineers?
Healthcare Engineers + Pioneers

Topics: Singapore Campus, Visiting Wisdom

SP Jain hosts Cultural Night to Welcome Postgraduate Students to the Singapore Campus

From Learning about A New Culture to Being Part of It

Topics: GMBA, Singapore Campus, Master of Global Business

SP Jain Singapore Campus Welcomes the new Jags-2016

This year, we saw around 180 freshmen students from nearly 30 different countries such as China, Egypt, South Korea, India, Mauritius, Mongolia, Portugal, Russia and Spain to name a few. They are here in Singapore to join our Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) course – the course that brings them to three different megacities – Singapore, Dubai and Sydney respectively.

Topics: BBA, Singapore Campus