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BBA Jaguars Ace Startup Weekend: University Edition at the Dubai Future Accelerators

BBA 2nd year students currently studying at the Dubai campus recently won the first place at Startup Weekend: University Edition at the Dubai Future Accelerators, Emirates Towers held between 19th – 21st April 2018.

Topics: Global Events at SP Jain, Dubai Campus

Manufacturing Is the Key to a Sustainable Future – Postgraduate Students Visit Unilever Dubai

On 19 April 2018, GMBA & MGB students from the Jan 2018 cohort specialising in Global Logistics & Supply Chain visited the office and factory of Unilever Personal Care based in Dubai Industrial Park.

Topics: Global Learning at SP Jain

SP Jain Singapore Campus Receives S$125,000 from Award-Winning Fintech Company Flywire

On 18th April, SP Jain Singapore received S$125,000 from award-winning FinTech company, Flywire. Flywire was the recipient of the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s Best FinTech company in 2017 and won a cash prize of S$250,000, out of which it pledged S$125,000 to SP Jain Singapore.

Topics: Global Events at SP Jain

Antidote to Indifference – GMBA Students Visit JWT Colloquial, Sydney

On 16th April 2018, the GMBA'17 cohort specialising in Contemporary Marketing Management went on an industry visit to JWT Colloquial. "The insights we got into the running of an integrated advertising agency were fantastic," shared John Miles, CEO - Sydney Campus. The students saw presentations from all parts of the agency, from the strategists through to the creatives.

Topics: Sydney Campus, Global Events at SP Jain

Welcoming the New Executive MBA Cohort – EMBA Orientation at Singapore

On 11th April, we welcomed a new Executive MBA (EMBA) cohort to our Singapore Campus. The EMBA Orientation was attended by the Guest of Honour, Mr Puneet Pushkarna, a member of SP Jain Singapore's Industry Advisory Board and Chairman of The Indus Entrepreneur, Singapore.

Topics: Singapore Campus, EMBA, Global Events at SP Jain

Geopolitics of Energy & Its Impact on Business – Interactive Session with Dr. Dimitrios Kokkinos

Geopolitics is the battle for space and power played out in a geographical setting. Just as there are military geopolitics, diplomatic geopolitics and economic geopolitics, there is also energy geopolitics. As upcoming Business leaders, we cannot underestimate or be ignorant of the role, space and power of Geopolitics in business.

Topics: Visiting Wisdom at SP Jain, Dubai Campus

Embracing Diversity – SP Jain Students Participate in a Flash Mob at Singapore

On 8th April, the students at our Singapore campus participated in a flash mob at the entrance of FAME Bugis+, one of the most popular malls amongst the youth in Singapore.

Topics: Singapore Campus, Global Events at SP Jain

Welcoming New Faces on Campus – Executive MBA Batch 42 Orientation, Dubai

On the 6th April 2018, SP Jain’s Dubai campus welcomed the new cohort of Executive MBA with 45 students embarking on their journey of learning.

Topics: EMBA; Dubai, Global Events at SP Jain

Dynamic Value Networks Evolving in Asia – Visiting Wisdom with Paul Bradley, CEO of Caprica International

SP Jain Singapore campus was very fortunate to have Mr. Paul Bradley, CEO of Caprica International on campus on 5th of April as our Guest Speaker for the “Visiting Wisdom” series. He shared insights on “Dynamic Value Networks Evolving in Asia: Visual Infrastructure, Digitization, and Disruption.”

Topics: Visiting Wisdom at SP Jain