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SPJ Toastmasters Club Continues to Grow

The SPJ Toastmasters Club met for the fifteenth time on 28th October with a power-packed session in Dubai.

Topics: EMBA, SPJ Toastmasters Meet, Dubai Campus

Technology & the Future of Work – A Panel Discussion Series

Business has existed since the beginning of humankind. To what extent does technology disrupt it? What are the tools and skills required to thrive in the modern-day work environment?

Topics: Global Leaders, Global Learning at SP Jain, Technology

The Economy of Breakthrough Innovation with Harish Palagummi

The Postgraduate students at SP Jain’s Sydney campus recently had the opportunity to interact with Harish Palagummi, a highly successful tech entrepreneur who has set new standards for innovation. With around two decades of industry experience, Harish has been a seasoned advisor and strategist, wherein he has played key roles in large-scale organisational programs, developing early stage strategies that redesigned and disrupted various industry segments. Harish's new venture, Element 8, is an Australian firm, backed by $250 million.

Topics: BBA Visiting Wisdom

A Tour to Paris – Learning the nuances of the Luxury Industry

Practical learning stimulates academic training and broadens the perspective of students extensively. Every day is a hands-on research, which is of fundamental importance within the luxury domain. In order to build upon such experiences, the Luxury Management students were made part of a study tour to Paris – the city of the leading flagship stores, museums and astounding boutiques of the luxury hub. They embarked on their journey into deep diving within luxury in its finest disposition.

Topics: Luxury Management

Bringing Colours, Fun and Music to Yoga at SP Jain Singapore

Embarking on a new program could be stressful at times even when you live in the city call home. Imagine being in a foreign country pursuing your studies. To help student combat stress at SP Jain’s Singapore Campus, the Global Learning Team collaborated with Art of Living to conduct a Yoga Jam session that combines yoga and fun.

Topics: Global learning, Singapore

Bondi to Coogee Walk– BBA Students participate in a Global Learning experience

SP Jain’s BBA Students recently undertook a cliff top coastal walk in Sydney as a part of their Global Learning Experience. The Bondi to Coogee walk extends for six km in Sydney’s eastern suburbs, featuring stunning views, beaches, parks, cliffs, bays, and rock pools.

Topics: Global Learning at SP Jain

BBA Jags represent SP Jain as Peace Envoys with Metropolitan YMCA, Singapore

Twenty students from SP Jain’s BBA cohort represented SP Jain to join Metropolitan YMCA (MYMCA) as Peace Envoys in promoting World Peace on Wednesday, 20th September. MYMCA is committed to nurturing children and developing youth by engaging them in meaningful causes and activities, which was showcased in the event. ‘Embassies of the World’, as the event was called, is an initiative by Metropolitan YMCA in collaboration with United Nations Global Compact Network Singapore (UN GCNS).

Topics: BBA, Singapore

Revolutionising the Global Logistics Industry – PG Students interact with Hubert Igbinoba

On 19 September 2017, SP Jain’s PG students specialising in IT Management and Global Logistics & Supply Chain Management got the unique opportunity to interact with Hubert Igbinoba, the Director of Change Freight Forwarding. Having completed a Mathematics and Industrial Mechanics Degree in Nigeria, Hubert emigrated to Australia, bringing with him this strong entrepreneurial spirit. Hubert then went on to a 5-year sting as the General Manager of a Talent Company post his further studies in Business Management.

Topics: Visiting Wisdom, Sydney

Badvertising, backlashes, bafflement, and brilliance - Insights from the Australia marketing landscape

On 19 September 2017, SP Jain’s Marketing students had the exciting opportunity to get some insights on the trends from the Australia Marketing landscape from Cathie McGinn. Cathie is a British immigrant who has been working in marketing and communications in Australia for over a decade.

Topics: Visiting Wisdom