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SPJ Alumni Meet Sydney

On 10th November, SP Jain’s diverse alumni community came together at its Sydney campus to celebrate the recent Forbes rankings. MBA programs are recognized through rankings by prestigious publications like Financial Times, The Economist and Forbes, and SP Jain School of Global Management has been the youngest school to be ranked by all three. For the last 5 consecutive years, SP Jain’s Global MBA program has been ranked among the world’s Top 20 1-year International MBAs by the American publication, Forbes.

Topics: Alumni

Engaging with the leaders of the luxury industry – Luxury Management Conversation Series

On 17 November 2017, the students of Luxury Management’s Batch 03 participated in the first session of the Conversation Series. The panel consisted of Suman Agarwal - Image Consultant (ICBI); Firdaus Rana - VP of Sales Taj Group; Hiral Shah - Food Blogger and Entrepreneur; and Gazal Mehta - Jewellery Designer (Ansh Gems).

Topics: Luxury Management, Conversation Series

Rise and Shine: SPJ Toastmasters Club Meets

‘Everybody has their own definition of success. For some, it's reaching up the corporate ladder; for some, it's having a seat in the Boardroom; and for some, enjoying the perks of being a boss and to ‘lead by example’. But, for me, it's to make a difference in the quality of my life. In Toastmasters, we came here with some objective and try hard to achieve it by giving speech, evaluating speech, or by participating in table topics.’ - TM Parmita

Topics: EMBA, SPJ Toastmasters

Land your dream job through LinkedIn – Logan Nathan speaks

On 31st October 2017, students at SP Jain’s Sydney campus had the exciting opportunity to learn from a global social selling leader. The Founder & CEO of i4Tradies & Brand Ambassador for Microsoft Australia, Logan Nathan is an avid & passionate social media user and LinkedIn trainer. As a Social Media Business Consultant, he brings to the table over 30 years of experience in MNCs and SMBs, together with running SolomoIT for the past 10 years.

Topics: Visiting Wisdom, Sydney

SP Jain’s Singapore Campus celebrates the Forbes ranking at the Annual Alumni Dinner

On Saturday, 28th October, the SP Jain Singapore Campus celebrated their Annual Alumni Dinner and Forbes Ranking (World’s Top 20 1-year International MBA programs 2017-18) at Park Hotel, Singapore.  

Topics: Singapore, SP Jain Alumni

SPJ Toastmasters Club Continues to Grow

The SPJ Toastmasters Club met for the fifteenth time on 28th October with a power-packed session in Dubai.

Topics: EMBA, SPJ Toastmasters Meet, Dubai Campus

Technology & the Future of Work – A Panel Discussion Series

Business has existed since the beginning of humankind. To what extent does technology disrupt it? What are the tools and skills required to thrive in the modern-day work environment?

Topics: Global Leaders, Global Learning at SP Jain, Technology

The Economy of Breakthrough Innovation with Harish Palagummi

The Postgraduate students at SP Jain’s Sydney campus recently had the opportunity to interact with Harish Palagummi, a highly successful tech entrepreneur who has set new standards for innovation. With around two decades of industry experience, Harish has been a seasoned advisor and strategist, wherein he has played key roles in large-scale organisational programs, developing early stage strategies that redesigned and disrupted various industry segments. Harish's new venture, Element 8, is an Australian firm, backed by $250 million.

Topics: BBA Visiting Wisdom

A Tour to Paris – Learning the nuances of the Luxury Industry

Practical learning stimulates academic training and broadens the perspective of students extensively. Every day is a hands-on research, which is of fundamental importance within the luxury domain. In order to build upon such experiences, the Luxury Management students were made part of a study tour to Paris – the city of the leading flagship stores, museums and astounding boutiques of the luxury hub. They embarked on their journey into deep diving within luxury in its finest disposition.

Topics: Luxury Management