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Australia Day Celebrations at SP Jain Sydney

On 26 January, the Sydney campus came together to celebrate Australia Day with all staff and students. With a BBQ set up by the staff who donned their chef hats, the event saw some fantastic meals prepared for the celebrations.

Topics: Global Learning at SP Jain, Sydney, Australia Day

Josh Jackson, SP Jain Alumnus, Addresses the Current Students at the Sydney Campus

On 19th January 2017, Josh Jackson, SP Jain’s BBA Alumnus, visited the Sydney campus to talk to the current students. Originally from London, England, Josh majored in Finance with a minor in Marketing. After graduation, he took a job at a small, local fund accounting company before moving to the financial services audit department of Deloitte.

Topics: Alumni, Global Learning at SP Jain, Sydney

Students volunteer to help at The Sydney Thunder Foundation

On December 19, our students at the Sydney Campus volunteered to help the Sydney Thunder Foundation. The students then got a chance to watch the first night of the Big Bash Cricket in Australia.

Topics: Global Learning at SP Jain, Sydney

How strong is the Economy in 2017 - Ryan Felsman discusses

On 21st November 2017, SP Jain’s Sydney Campus invited Ryan Felsman (Senior Economist at CommSec) to deliver a guest lecture to our students describing the state of the Australian economy in 2017.

Topics: Global Learning at SP Jain, Sydney

Everyday Differences: Customer Experience Management with Dr. John Fong

As the world evolves, the way we do business is changing. One of the key features of the 21st century business world is Smarter Customers. This monumental difference has brought about a change in the way businesses approach customer service.

Topics: Global Learning at SP Jain, Sydney

The Global Learning Quiz with Chris Hall

On 17th November, SP Jain’s Sydney campus indulged in the seasonal Global learning quiz facilitated by Chris Hall. The event helped draw out the competitive nature in the participating groups using a sophisticated game show system

Topics: Global Learning at SP Jain, Sydney