Written by Shobhit Sharma, Global MBA (GMBA – CMM) student. SP Jain School of Global Management – Class of 2016.
At times, I wonder-
How little I know about life-
Yet, I spend a big part of my day-
Making sense of it.
I know that you do too.
The decisions we made-
Big or small
The college we chose,
The job we let go-
The friends we made-
The friendships we couldn’t keep.
The things we said- the things we didn’t.
They all confine us into a space-
Where we feel lost.
Where we doubt if it was all worth it.
And I tell this to myself then,
and I am telling you now-
It was all worth it-
For you chose to become an astronaut
And ventured out to explore the Galaxy of possibilities.
You became an explorer-
and decided to find the gem of ‘something more’
It was all- worth it!
People remember Columbus,
They remember Vasco da Gama
And not the ships they sailed in-
Your colleges, your jobs-
Are just the ships-
And when you will complete your individual voyages
People will remember you!
Titanic- sank!
And Reid Stove sailed around the world in a 70 feet boat!
It is in you Captain!!
You are an astronaut, an explorer, a sailor-
You cannot let that dark confined space-stop your chase!
You are here to discover possibilities-
To make dreams realities-
You are here-
because status quo didn’t suit you
And it never will-
So stop doubting-
Stop questioning-
Stop cribbing-
This is your journey- you are all set for it.
Bon Voyage!
About the author: Shobhit Sharma