Blog | SP Jain School of Global Management

Carving My Future Career Path in Data Science – Ananya Singh’s BDS Internship Experience

Written by S P Jain Blog | Apr 2, 2023 10:45:00 AM

I primarily wanted to pursue a data science course as it is an amalgamation of all the subjects I enjoy the most.  

So, I went for the Bachelor of Data Science program at SP Jain Global. It addresses not only the fundamentals of data science but also a wide range of other ideas that are relevant to the field.


In 2022, I discovered an internship opportunity through the business school’s placement cell at UPilot Inc in the USA. I decided to pursue it since it complemented my objectives and was a unique opportunity. 

As a Software Engineer Intern, I was on a team of students tasked to create a reporting tool that pulled data from their data warehouse. Mostly, I worked with the data warehousing team, where we created designs and drafts and implemented them using MariaDB software.

Several times, we had to tackle unpredictable situations due to the uncertainty of the potential issues. So, tasks including working in teams, completing the work on time, and meeting deadlines were frequently challenging. However, moving forward, we sought more guidance from our superiors and tried our best to avoid overestimating or underestimating our chores.

I believe that the knowledge I gained in the first year of SP Jain’s BDS course aided me massively in completing my internship. It was predominantly a practical application of our acquired knowledge up to that point. For instance, Prof Sunil Lakdawala showed us how to create the ERD and data warehouse models that I used at UPilot Inc.

I would say SP Jain’s courses and subjects are designed in a way that genuinely aids in interview preparation, besides lecturers and professors always being accessible during and after class. Ultimately, my internship at UPilot Inc helped me as I really enjoyed my role in the data warehousing sector, which was enough to see it as a future career path.

About the Author

Ananya Singh (BDS 2021) hails from New Delhi, India. She recently interned with UPilot Inc and worked on putting her learnings into practical use at the workplace.

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