Blog | SP Jain School of Global Management

From Classroom to Corporate: Gaining Real-World Supply Chain Insights through Global MBA

Written by S P Jain Blog | Oct 29, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Isha Gole, GMBA, Class of 2023

Having worked in the supply chain space for 3 years, I wanted to pursue an MBA in the same field, and SP Jain Global’s flagship Global MBA (GMBA) in Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management (SCM) ticked all my boxes—in terms of course structure, subjects, duration, and location. Our first semester was the most rigorous, where we got a flavour of all the management subjects, including finance, marketing, operations, and supply chain. 


The course structure of SP Jain Global was well-curated, and I especially enjoyed all related lectures as each student got the attention and ability to speak up their mind. During these lectures, my classmates from similar SCM backgrounds shared their rich experiences, and we all learned a lot from each other.

The highlight was the DHL industry visit; it was one of the most informative sessions, during which we saw all the classroom learnings come to life and gained immense exposure to warehouse management. My internships at Jeebly and HP also helped me deploy all my learnings, connect with the industry, and keep in touch with the corporate side of the world.

My favourite memory in SP Jain Global is during the course – Effective Business Communication, where we took an in-depth ‘True Colour’ personality test on various parameters like life values, communication, relationships, work ethics, etc. The colour for me was GOLD, which helped me understand who I am and what I should aspire to be. I could resonate more with my strengths and thus began the journey to act on them to achieve my dream job. 

Being part of Placom was an exceptional experience. We had to liaise between my batchmates and the corporate relations team and constantly be on our toes. From helping the CR team manage schedules to helping manage my batchmates’ different emotions, I surely learnt a lot during this phase. The CR and PRP teams guided us on how to crack the code during interviews and how to present ourselves on paper and in person. Without this guidance, cracking any interview would have been impossible

I feel doing an MBA is the experience of a lifetime as it not only gives you an upgrade in professional life but also many life lessons that turn you into a better person. SP Jain Global was a crazy, topsy-turvy ride for me, and I will always cherish my memories and learnings throughout my life.

About the Author

Isha Gole graduated from the GMBA program in 2023, specialising in Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management. She is currently working as a Demand Planner at Target Corporation in Bangalore. With over three years of supply chain experience, Isha brings industry expertise and a passion for continuous learning.