Could you tell us about your venture, JPS Legal?
Founded in December 2013, JPS Legal is a Mumbai based boutique first generation law firm providing quality legal solutions in our chosen practice areas. We have an active Capital Markets & Securities Laws practice covering the entire spectrum of Capital Markets activities.
JPS Legal has thus far been legal advisor to more than eighteen companies who have successfully listed their securities on the National Stock Exchange of India Limited / BSE Limited. We have also advised entities on the substantial acquisition of shares and takeover of listed entities in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Securities and Exchange Board of India.
Apart from capital markets practice, JPS Legal has been advising clients and representing them before the National Company Law Tribunal and Securities and Exchange Board of India as well.
Where do you see yourself and JPS Legal 5 years from now?
With healthy growth in clientele, team strength, geographical reach and areas of practice as our target, five years down the line, I see us continuing to provide quality legal services to our clients in our chosen practice areas.
What do you consider to be your most notable achievements in your career so far?
Recently, in the ‘Bloomberg – Global Legal Advisers – League Tables – H1-2018’ JPS Legal was
(1) Ranked 6th – India Equity Offerings: Legal Adviser – Issuer Ranked by Deal Count;
(2) Ranked 10th – India Equity Offerings: Legal Adviser – Issuer Ranked by Volume; and
(3) Ranked 20th – Asia ex-Japan Equity IPO: Legal Adviser – Issuer Ranked by Deal Count.
Additionally, in March 2018, JPS Legal had the privilege of being the Legal Advisor to the largest Initial Public Offering till date on the EMERGE Platform of the National Stock Exchange of India Limited.
What are your key learnings from SP Jain that helped lead you?
Before joining the GMBA course in January 2008, while practicing corporate laws, as a lawyer, I realised the relevance and importance of developing a broader business perspective and honing my managerial competencies. With this intent, I pursued the Global MBA program at SP Jain. The program has been a tool to acquire the dual capability of managing the day to day intricacies while staying focused on the “bigger picture”. My time at SP Jain has enriched me as a professional, in terms of both knowledge and global exposure.
I believe my background in law combined with the management skills from my education at SP Jain have enabled me to provide more encompassing, holistic, practical and effective legal solutions to our clients.