Blog | SP Jain School of Global Management

A Mechanical Engineer Enters the World of Business - Sumedh Shah’s MGB Story

Written by S P Jain Blog | Jun 7, 2022 12:35:00 PM

Sumedh Shah (MGB intake of 2021) has always been fond of doing things better and faster. His efficiency landed him in the logistics domain. With a desire to pursue a master’s degree that aligned with his growing interest in logistics, Sumedh chose SP Jain’s MGB program.

How did SP Jain’s Master of Global Business help shape his career, and what are some of the key takeaways that enabled him to advance in his profession? We caught up with him to find out. 


Q. Could you tell us a bit about yourself?

I am a BE Mech from Mumbai University and have worked for 18 months at a transport company as an Operations Head. I enjoy watching and playing sports, exploring new places, and I am a very big foodie. Choosing a completely different domain after doing engineering, I was clear on one thing - I wanted to do something related to the improvement of efficiency or productivity. I have been fond of doing things in a better and faster way since my school days, and that’s how I landed in the logistics domain.

Q. Why did you decide to enrol in the MGB program at SP Jain? 

After working with Century Cargo, a transport company, I was fixated on wanting to pursue a master's in this domain where I could learn and grow more. The option of getting the exact specialisation that I wanted and the global exposure led me to SP Jain.

Q. What was your tri-city MGB journey at SP Jain like? How did the school prepare you to become job-ready in a global environment? 

The journey in SP Jain was brilliant. Unfortunately, due to COVID, I couldn’t go to Australia and Singapore and had to complete my entire course from Dubai. My experience in Dubai was magical. The magnitude of operations that they have is unlike any. This school gave me an opportunity to visit companies such as DHL. The exposure I received from various exhibitions showed me how the industry functions in real-time, and I got a reality check.

Q. You spent your time at SP Jain with people from different industries and nationalities. Did this help make you a more efficient business leader?  

There were a few students in my batch from different industries and countries. These interactions, discussions, and exposure most definitely helped me improve my leadership skills. 


Q. Tell us about your internship experience.

I joined EY in a full-time role as a Performance Improvement Consultant. It's a global role and demands work for international clients and traveling. It is helping me understand various aspects of business, the different cultures of the world, and adapting to EY's way of working. It's helping me learn to be grounded.

Q. You have landed an exciting gig at one of the Big 4. Congratulations! What was your interview process like? How did SP Jain support you in finding this amazing role for yourself? 

The interview process was a rigorous one. It included questions ranging from college projects to work experience and 3 to 4 case studies. It was very technical, and they tested the way I approached situations and dealt with them. The school helped me prepare by arranging sessions with the dean Dr. Grandhi and Dr. Aserkar, and Dr. Veena. Sessions with Dr. Grandhi were extremely useful as it was a dress rehearsal for the actual interview. He prepared us very well.


Q. What does life after SP Jain look like for you?  

I miss my college days, and one year looks very short. Everyone at SP Jain was very helpful, and I had the most amazing teachers ever! Life looks eventful now; I get messages on how to approach interviews for CVS and a lot more. Meeting new people at work, dealing with clients’ problems and designing solutions for them is the new phase of my life.

Q. What advice would you like to give future students about starting their MGB journey? How can they make the best of this experience?

Enjoy the tri-city course to the fullest as this time doesn’t come back. Don’t worry too much about the SBRs, projects, and exams. Consider them as a base of Burj Khalifa – the foundation upon which you want to build your life. Participate in group activities, classes, events, and various committees at SP Jain. They help big time! I can’t stress this enough but,


Do additional courses to help you get your first job, be it full-time or internship. Work experience helps a lot.


Q. Is there anything else you’d like to share with us? 

Peer learning is crucial. Talk to people from your batch and other batches like the Global MBA program. Knowledge of Excel is a must. You should be fluent in Lookups, Pivot tables and formatting Excel, Word, and PowerPoint Presentations. Practice Excel right from the first semester and use it in your SBRs and projects to get familiar once you start working. Group studies are an important part of learning. Try it.

Wish to read more stories from SP Jain’s MGB students and alumni? Click Here