Blog | SP Jain School of Global Management

Finding My Way at SP Jain, IDC & Cogoport

Written by S P Jain Blog | Jun 12, 2019 2:51:18 PM

Everything that defines our daily existence has the indelible marks of marketing on it. Right from marketing ourselves to our prospective employers to presenting the best version of ourselves on our social media portals. Learning to think and operate like a marketer is becoming increasingly important, especially in the times we live in, where everything we do will shape and determine our personal brand. It is no wonder then, that Marketing is often the most sought-after field today – it is, after all, what makes us human.


A year ago, I decided to take the plunge and opted for the 16-month Master of Global Business (MGB) program at SP Jain with a specialisation in Marketing. Conducted across Dubai, Singapore, and Sydney, the program gave me an opportunity to increase my self-awareness and knowledge. Every country we visited exposed us to very different cultures and economies and allowed us the chance to immerse ourselves in a whole new world.

During the last term of the program, I got an opportunity to intern at IDC Singapore as a Data Research Analyst, and my experience there was phenomenal!  With more than 1100 analysts worldwide, IDC offers global, regional, and local expertise on technology and industry opportunities and trends in over 110 countries. IDC is the premier global provider of market intelligence, advisory services, and events for the information technology, telecommunications, and consumer technology markets. It gave me a platform to showcase my talent and present myself in front of leading directors of Cisco, Amazon, and HP for market transformation.  It also helped me execute complex campaigns that fulfilled marketers’ global ambitions seamlessly and made me proficient in client handling and engaging the most powerful audience of technology buyers.

It has only been a few days since I started my new role at Cogoport as a Customer Success Manager, and I can already notice a vast difference in the work culture here as compared to IDC. The culture here is a lot like a startup, where everybody goes beyond what their responsibilities are. Everyone is equally responsible for pulling the brand reputation higher.


Although I am still adjusting to my new role, I can already see that Cogoport makes its employees strong from the grass root level. We are assigned a set of highly diverse tasks and are expected to complete them with diligence and creativity. As someone with almost no experience in the corporate world, I am constantly surprising not just my friends and family, but even myself, with how much I can achieve with a plan and the confidence to execute it. I was never one to shy away from asking for what I want, and this is playing to my advantage today. My experience at SP Jain and IDC moulded me into what I am, and I am prepared to take on this new adventure at Cogoport!


About the Author: Aishwarya Gupta (MGB’19)

Aishwarya Gupta is a Master of Global Business (MGB) graduate from SP Jain’s Class of 2019. Proficient in client handling and highly interested in digital marketing and online communication, Aishwarya is an intuitive, hard-working and ardent individual who aspires to explore new dimensions of marketing and business development. Optimistic, enthusiastic and versatile, she is passionate about learning new things and thrives under pressure with a quintessential need for time management.