Blog | SP Jain School of Global Management

What do our EMBA students and faculty have to say about ELO? Let’s find out.

Written by S P Jain Blog | Dec 21, 2021 1:22:00 PM

People often say that online learning can never compare to on-campus learning. Is that true? What if you could get all the benefits of an on-campus education, including the ability to have discussions with your faculty and peers in real-time, from the comfort of your home?

SP Jain’s proprietary Engaged Learning Online (ELO) platform is designed to do exactly that. With the help of artificial intelligence, real-time simulations, and big data analytics, the ELO platform brings all the features of a physical classroom right to your fingertips.


Since its launch in 2018, thousands of students and faculty have experienced the future of learning through ELO. What did they think of this experience? Let’s find out.

Premkumar Parameshwaran (Adjunct Faculty, SP Jain)

"I have taught a few courses through the Engaged Learning Online (ELO) at SP Jain Global and am pleasantly surprised at how the seamless transition has been accomplished between teaching in a classroom setting and through the ELO platform. I was initially a bit apprehensive about how this would work, but after some training, I became comfortable with the new technology and realised the potential of ELO, once fully utilised.


The sessions are as engaging and interactive as in a classroom setting. ELO has some added features too like the 'Poll Option' for students, and the 'Breakout Room' to facilitate group discussions, which can be very effective. I even had a Role-Play conducted during one of my recent sessions. ELO is opening the doors to lead the way. A big thumbs-up to ELO!"

Mukesh Manek (Adjunct Faculty, SP Jain)

"SP Jain Global, via the ELO infrastructure, has redefined the higher education landscape. Creative disruption in higher education has finally arrived. SP Jain has been at the forefront of challenging traditional notions of higher education with its usual trail-blazing innovation and entrepreneurial drive.


The ELO platform has been the enabling tool for keen learners everywhere to receive an internationally renowned and accredited quality education from world-class faculty in a virtual classroom. ELO platform has conquered the physical distance barrier between school, faculty and fellow students."

Lalitha Maheswaran (Adjunct Faculty, SP Jain)

"Started with apprehension and ended with confidence, that was my ELO experience in short!

To think of it now, SP Jain Global introduced the online platform with great foresight and vision. I would say it was a rather proactive step.  It is the future of the world of education and incidentally, it is a desperate need of the hour with the ongoing pandemic.

I have been in the teaching-training-coaching-consulting profession for over 25 years now.  Almost all of my group interactions have been face-to-face, barring some coaching work and one-on-ones which happen on virtual platforms.

Before the ELO session, there was anxiety and excitement of the unknown, the inexperienced and also, some concern about navigating through the technology.  For the very first session, I hadn’t made any changes to my regular lesson plan. It was during the session that I realised that the class plan needed a revision with regards to time management, class interaction, student engagement, use of chatbox effectively, and more.


From the next class on, the entire session plan was revamped and I began using the different features that this latest technology has to offer! It was a tremendous success!"

Pradyumna Chavan (EMBA Class of 2021)

"My experience with this technology was phenomenal! It's not only a virtual classroom that connects you from anywhere in the world, but it's much more evolved than other pre-recorded study sessions, YouTube channels or webinars. I can virtually do everything I normally would in a physical classroom - raise my hand, speak up anytime, look around at my classmates, share notes and thoughts with them. You have way more features owing to the digital platform like quizzes and polls which you get the results for, immediately. The clarity and tracking feature of the camera lets the professor move like in an actual classroom!

 P.S. The studio looks like a state-of-the-art control room!"

Shalini Shukla (EMBA Intake of 2020)

"I was researching for an MBA program that suited my needs and I found the SP Jain Executive MBA. This 18-month part-time program was perfect for me. The ELO room allowed me to feel like I was in class even though I was not physically on the school's campus.

The virtual room gave us a wide-angle view of everything, including a chatbox, lecture notes, the screen, the professor and our classmates. It feels like you're in class, physically."

Aman Kapoor (EMBA Intake of 2020)

"As we all know the current situation, a lot of companies have been forced to re-strategise and come up with new methods to face business challenges. So an Executive MBA degree would help me develop the thought process to gain strong leadership and decision-making skills and also help me with my overall career growth and personal effectiveness.

I chose SP Jain because of the school’s vastly dynamic program which incorporates a lot of real-world business problems, and also their faculty that is highly experienced and comes from different parts of the world. They bring their unique perspective to their different specialisations. So there’s a lot to learn from that. The ELO platform has been exciting and it’s a new experience for me again. It encourages a lot of class participation with the faculty, and the best thing about the program is that the professors are very proactive in their discussions and responses. So, it creates a very dynamic environment within the classroom."

Nikhat Fathima (EMBA Intake of 2020)

“I chose to pursue an EMBA in the current pandemic situation as this would give me an edge over others. When the market is down and the economy is suffering, I wish to take this opportunity to prepare myself for the future. I chose SP Jain after a lot of research and interactions with friends who have done an MBA in the past. In terms of ranking across the globe, SP Jain stands tall. Besides the course structure, it is very practical which I believe would give me an edge to think and apply the concepts that I learn in the EMBA program in a real working environment. My first impression of ELO was “WOW”.

The world has changed very quickly in the last few months due to the current pandemic situation where everything is virtual and not physical. The EMBA is also an addition to this virtual life. I thoroughly enjoy my sessions in ELO. When you’re in class, you are in front of your professors and batch mates. You don’t feel like you are not in a classroom, and I think the faculty is doing a fabulous job. It’s great that SP Jain has introduced a platform for executives to engage online through ELO.”

ELO has impacted the lives of several students and faculty in ways that weren’t thought of as possible before. Check out the experiences shared by Dr CJ Meadows (Director of i2e - The Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center & Head of GMBA - Consulting Management, SP Jain), Jonathan James  (Executive MBA, Class of 2021), Sathya Venkatesh  (Executive MBA, Class of 2021)and Himali Mehta (Executive MBA, Class of 2021) to find out how.

Wish to experience SP Jain’s revolutionary ELO platform first-hand? Explore our Executive MBA program or get in touch with us to book a demo.

Click here to read stories from EMBA Alumni & Students.