Blog | SP Jain School of Global Management

Inside and Outside the SP Jain Classroom – Featuring Dr Nicolas Hamelin

Written by S P Jain Blog | Jan 5, 2022 11:53:00 AM

Meet Dr Nicolas Hamelin, SP Jain’s Associate Professor of Marketing and the Neuroscience Lab Director at our Sydney campus. With over 10 years of professional corporate experience, Dr Hamelin holds two doctoral degrees – a PhD in Laser Physics from Sussex University and a PhD in Business from East London University.

He completed his MSc in Environmental Management from Ulster University in UK and MSc/Magistere in Physics from the University of Grenoble in France. Early on, he completed his TV News Reporter Diploma from INA, France and began his professional career as a television journalist.

So what does life look like for Dr Nicolas Hamelin, inside and outside the SPJ classroom? We caught up with him over a quick interview to find out.

Q. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Dr Hamelin: I enjoy Skying, Paragliding, Filming, and Tennis.

Q.  What sort of morning routine do you have to get jazzed for class?

Dr Hamelin: I check the news about updates in the field.

Q. Could you tell us a fun fact about you? What would students be surprised to find out about you?

Dr Hamelin: I am an ex-television journalist and photojournalist, covering social issues in conflict zones (Filming child soldiers in Uganda, for example).

Q. If you could pass on any wisdom to your students, what would you share?

Dr Hamelin: Don't cut corners - a diploma means nothing if you have no knowledge to back it up. Respect the planet, we only have one. Don’t let people buy your soul, do not drop your moral compass for a few dollars. Choose freedom and dignity over comfort.  

Q. Is there a quote or saying that you live your life by?

Dr Hamelin: When someone needs help, help. This quote by Enrich Fromm inspires me: ‘Our goal should be to be much, not to have much.’

Q. Your favourite book or movie?

Dr Hamelin: My favourite movie would be ‘Captain Fantastic’ – it is a movie about freedom in the useless world of consumption. My favourite book is ‘1984’ by George Orwell.

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