Blog | SP Jain School of Global Management

95% of SP Jain’s MGB Students Land International Internships

Written by S P Jain Blog | Mar 10, 2015 12:47:45 PM

Internships not only enhance classroom learning by integrating academic curriculum and real-world work experience but allow students to test out their interests and develop their long-range career plans.
Internship programs also help develop students’ overall maturity by strengthening resourcefulness, problem-solving skills, self-confidence, self-discipline and build a sense of responsibility. This is one of the main reasons why, at SP Jain, all MGB (Masters in Global Business) students take up 4 months of mandatory internship.

We are proud to announce that over 95% of the students from our MGB Class of 2014 secured highly coveted internships at top international brands this year. Some of the companies where students interned were Alcatel Lucent, American Appraisal, Anchanto, Asian Food Factory, Axxis Consulting,, Cedar, CEO Club, Clone Algo, Cognizant, Credit Suisse, Dairy Farm, Danzas, Datacard, Frost & Sullivan, H&P, Heinz, Ideaspice, ITC, Kimberly Clark, Luminance Fund Global, Mikyajy, NOL, Protiviti, Redington, Sennheisser, Singhi Advisors, The Henley Group, Thomson Reuters, Volvo, and Westcon.

The success of our interns is reflected in the fact that as of today, the following companies have rolled out full time offers: Hewlett Packard, Genpact, Cedar, CEO Club, Redington, Chalhoub, Avaya, Westcon, Danzas, Heinz, Credit Suisse, The Henley Group, Dunia Finance, Indiacast, and Weston. And the proffered designations include, Program Sales Manager, Senior Res Analyst; E-Commerce Solution Manager, Business Analyst, Customer Relations Specialist, Air Freight Capacity Management Specialist, Associate Consultant, and Management Trainee.

We are pleased to note that SP Jain’s MGB program keeps growing from strength to strength as is evident in the latest placement records. It also substantiates the credit given by Heinz that SP Jain Global graduates are among the top performers at work.