We interacted with alumnus Aruna Subramanyan for a quick chat about her experience at S P Jain during her MBA in 2008. Below are the excepts from our interaction.
Q: Why did you choose to do an MBA Degree?
A: I actually chose to work after completing my Bachelor’s degree in Management Studies. Being a Super Performer in the 3 years of my course and also a ranker in the final year of my BMS degree in college, I was keen to experience the corporate world and not follow the bandwagon by jumping to do an MBA immediately. Honestly, I felt that I could contribute to the course much better with some professional exposure. I think it’s very important to be able to apply and relate to what you learn at work if you wish to truly get a post-graduation specialisation degree. Your experiences add more value to the course and group work and I’m glad I stuck to that thought process.
Q: How did Human Resources as a specialisation, contribute to your MBA Degree?
A: As I worked for two years in most areas of HR with Lehman Brothers prior to my MBA, the specialisation courses did not need any theory based understanding on my part; it was the application of all my practical experiences at work which was the highlight and my personal victory. The subjects in HR added great value to my learning and I was quickly able to relate it to the professional experiences I had whilst working at Lehman Brothers. My area of expertise has always been Learning & Development. In the HR class too, I excelled in the subject as I was passionate about it. I truly believe that you can add value to the course and take away much more if you have been there, done that.
Q: How do you relate your MBA education to your current role as Head of Learning & Development at Novartis?
A: My professional achievements have been a result of many experiences and people I have met along the way. SP Jain features in my gratitude list for giving me opportunities to become that person and professional in my own journey.
Q: How do you recall your S P Jain MBA experience?
A: S P Jain has been a wonderful alma mater. It was among my Life’s most essential and different learning experiences. First Campus Life and a memorable one at that. It shakes you and makes you by preparing you for the ‘Real World’. It was the first time I’ve spent living away from home and family. The friends I’ve made, All My ‘Me Moments’, lectures attended, presentation work, group bonding, hanging out with people from all walks of life, was humbling and a great learning. This experience was a must, for it helped me define myself.