Blog | SP Jain School of Global Management

7 Highlights from SP Jain’s 2017 Journey

Written by S P Jain Blog | Dec 29, 2017 11:30:18 AM

The end of 2017 is almost upon us, and what a year it has been! With new students, prestigious rankings, launch of some unique ventures, advancements in technology, and so much more—SP Jain has been growing continuously and tremendously over the past year!

Let us take a look at 7 things that stood out for us in SP Jain’s journey this year.

Truth or Dare? asked TEDxSPJAINMUMBAI


The first-ever TEDx event conducted by SP Jain Global covered a variety of speakers from different facets of life, who have carved a niche for themselves using the road less taken. Under the theme “Truth or Dare?”, the speakers awed the participants with their inspiring journey to success.
Click Here to hear the talks here.

Forbes ranks SP Jain’s Global MBA amongst the world’s Top 20 1-Year International MBAs


For the 5th year in a row, SP Jain was ranked among the world’s top 20 by Forbes Best International 1-year MBAs! We couldn’t have done this without our wonderful alumni who have been proving their worth over and again in different parts of the world.
Click Here to read more about the ranking.

New student cohorts, new programs & new graduates


The pride of any School is its student community. With 29 new cohorts starting their journey with SP Jain across diverse courses in all 4 campuses, the year was one to remember. Keeping up with the focus on technology, SP Jain also saw the launch of two new programs in Machine Learning and Fintech.
Meanwhile, 2017 also saw 20 cohorts who bid adieu to the SP Jain student-life and started their global journey as proud SP Jain Alumni.

Launch of the SPJ Alumni Portal


The SP Jain Alumni Community presently has 6000+ alumni spread across 35+ Countries. To help the alumni keep in touch with fellow batchmates, stay updated on new career tracks, and find out more about the alma-mater, we recently launched the SPJ Alumni Portal. The portal gives the Alumni Community a platform to share both their personal and professional achievements.
Click Here to check out the portal.

500+ letters of love sent to refugees as a part of Project Giving


With a vision to create a happy work environment, SP Jain’s Dubai Campus declared 2016 as the Year of Happiness. In 2017, we took this initiative forward to reach out to the community and launch the first of its kind Happiness Centre of Excellence in Dubai, UAE.
Under Project Giving, “Letters of Love” is a student led community project that aims to spread happiness, love and hope through brightly colored, creative, and positive letters addressed to recipients in areas of distress and need. Over 500 letters have been collected till date.
Click Here to read more about the project.

Panel Discussions, Conclaves, Guest Lectures, and more


With a strong focus on technological innovations, SP Jain held numerous Panel Discussions, Conclaves, Guest Lectures, and more across all 4 campuses. With conclaves on IT Management, Supply Chain Management, Future Learning & Human Resources, Panel Discussions on Technology & the Future of Work, and guest lectures on numerous trending topics in the business world, these events helped the students and other participants gauge the developments in the modern business environment.
Click Here to catch a glimpse of the campus events.

Launch of SPJ Toastmaster’s Club


With members from the Executive MBA as well as the BBA cohorts, the SPJ Toastmaster’s club was launched in February ’17. The club has held over 18 meetings till date, with both the members and the enthusiasm building up in manifolds!
Click Here to read about the latest meeting.

These, and much more, happened at SP Jain in 2017. Here’s to wishing everyone a much more eventful 2018!