Date: November 7,2015
Category: MGB’15
If one is a fan of holidays that get the heart racing, it’s hard to beat Australia as a suitable destination for such adventures. Fearsome wildlife, dizzying heights, and undersea adventures await intrepid travelers who want to experience life at full tilt. Living in Sydney for the past 3 months has given the students part of these experiences. Two students at S P Jain, went beyond their childhood dreams and experienced the thrill of flying a twin seater aircraft at Camden Aviation Center, under professional guidance and in search of true adrenaline rush.
The day started by leaving Sydney early and covering the 3 hour travel distance to the small historic town of Camden located 65Kms South West of Sydney. The travel was scenic and refreshing. Having reached Camden Airport, the two students were directed to Curtis Aviation hangar, where they had a pre-booking for a half-hour session of ‘Learn to Fly’. They were introduced to the instructors Neil and Greg who were experienced professionals and fun- loving Aussies. Looking at the student’s eagerness to be in the sky, the instructors took them directly to the 1960s reliable twin-engine 4 cylinder aircrafts.
After briefing the students on the aircraft handling instructions, they were set to fly. They took the pilot seat in separate aircrafts and the instructor sat behind them coordinating with the Air Traffic Controller and getting the requisite clearances. The push to ignition switch started rotating the blades and setting them free like birds for a unique experience. They pressed the pedals to set the direction of aircraft on the runway and accelerated for take-off. The altitude got higher and higher and the view of Camden and the cloudy skies over the Blue Mountains became spectacular. They handled their control stick pitching the nose of aircraft up to the horizon and they could feel the gush of fresh air in the cabin. They flew over Warragamba dam and the instructors also got an opportunity at an instant after 10 minutes of flying to take some air-to-air photos of these iconic planes as they roared alongside each other in the skies. Handling the control stick against the turbulent winds, being surrounded by clouds was the most joyous part of the whole experience. The instructors guided the students and showcased their experience by some unforgettable aircraft maneuvering skills. As the weather grew more cloudy and turbulent they prepared to descend to the runway. Their instructors guided them to operate the landing gear and helped them through in-flight controls, keeping in touch with ATC. They descended safely and applied brakes not only to the aircraft, but also to one of the most exciting times of their lives.
Later, both of the students thanked their instructors for the inflight guidance, giving them such an incredible lifetime experience. They made their way back to Camden town and spent an hour revisiting rich heritage in the museum and later came back to Sydney, completing an unforgettable day.