Blog | SP Jain School of Global Management

i2i Center: A place for Edu-sulting & Research in Global Innovation Management

Written by S P Jain Blog | May 26, 2017 12:15:52 PM

SP Jain’s Singapore Campus hosts i2i, the Innovation and Insights Center – a place for education, consulting, and research in global innovation management headed by Dr. C J Meadows (Director and Creative Problem Solver). Our mission is to help people innovate and create insights, and we do this in a collaborative way, seeing “eye to eye.”

The centre helps you learn in an innovative way — with simulation games, teams, and experience applying new concepts. It also helps you collaborate and co-create with colleagues & customers, in a way that builds capabilities and achieves real outcomes, and hear new insights from world-leading innovators so more of us can create and build.

Watch Dr. CJ Meadows talk to us exclusively about the Centre.



What we Offer

At i2i, we take an edusulting approach to both build capabilities (education) and make a real impact (consulting). Keeping this in mind, we offer an array of programs tailored to your needs:

Customer Insight Innovation

Customer Insight Innovation is our flagship program for developing insights. It begins with ExperienceInnovation™, an expert-guided simulation built by ExperiencePoint in collaboration with award-winning design consultancy IDEO.

In ExperienceInnovation™, you’ll learn the tools & techniques of the world’s most innovative firms, along with IDEO’s methodology for innovation using design thinking. You’ll experience a real 4-month innovation project in just 4 hours!

You’ll learn to see new needs & opportunities, deeply understand customers and potential customers, break through barriers by re-defining your challenges, generate ideas more effectively, and create prototypes & experiments to test out ideas before spending big budgets on development.

You can come just to learn, or following the workshop, we can help you apply what you’ve learned to your own business challenge.

When that happens, you come out not only with new skills but also a real business initiative, based on your newly-gathered deep understanding of your customers and non-customers, fresh ideas for your situation, prototypes and experiments that make your ideas real and make them better, as well as next steps for implementation.

Official IDEO materials crafted by ExperiencePoint will be delivered by us, their sole partner headquartered in Asia.

You can read more about the course here.

Disruptive Innovation

Disruptive Innovation is happening all around us. Whether you’re an MNC, SME, or a Start-up, you’ll need to know what to do about it. So, we’ve created a blended program that combines online learning and our own global, expert, in-person facilitation.

The online portion of the course will get you well-grounded in theory and cases, via the online Disruptive Strategy course developed by Clayton Christensen and Harvard Business School. Team-huddle time will give you practice applying the theory to your own situation and can be conducted either on your own or with i2i@SPJain.

The in-person portion of the course comprises pre-course planning (who will attend, strategic questions, timing, venues), team huddle facilitation during the course, and post-course workshops to create real initiatives/projects to impact your business, using frameworks from the course and additional tools & techniques from the world’s most innovative companies.

The program is fully customisable. Whether you want to create or respond to disruption, we can help you build skills, craft your journey, and make an impact. You can read more about the course here.


In this immersion program, you & your team (MNC, SME, or Start-up) tell us whether you have an idea/challenge you want to pursue, or if you want to join a team or invite new people to your team for a fresh perspective.

We will take all the teams assembled through a 1-week Start-up Immersion to generate a new product/service prototype and a basic growth strategy. It’s like a hackathon, except you may create something that’s not a code or an app.

You will earn a certificate for the program, learn new skills & strategies based on other companies’ experiences, tap into our network of mentors & organisations, and set up your initiative for success.

If the 1-week timeframe is not right for you, your team can begin the immersion, complete what’s appropriate for you, and schedule the rest at your own pace (e.g. by joining the next event, coaching, or groupwork).

Unlike most incubator/accelerator programs, you don’t need to apply with a business plan in hand. You come, learn, connect, and design something people genuinely want that’s technically feasible and creates real value. You can read more about the course here.

Custom Services

Besides running standard insight & innovation programs, we also:

  • Design custom edusulting programs to help people learn innovation tools & techniques or other management topics, and mentor a real project
  • Help start-ups acquire skills, map their journey, and connect with funders & others who can help
  • Conduct/arrange custom research projects, as well as pursuing our own research into the creative processes of world-leading innovators
  • Host networking events to foster our innovation ecosystem – come join us!

Have an innovation need or business challenge? We’re happy to design a custom program or project so you can learn, practice, and apply your innovation skills with real results. We also do custom research so you can make informed choices. You can learn more about this here.

Not only are our programs and community cross-disciplinary, but so is our research. We’re currently focused on Fusion – studying how world-leading individuals take needs & ideas from across the barriers of country, industry, function, and more, to create high-value innovations. By studying the mental processes of cross-domain innovation, we seek to help others fuse in high-value ways, as well as create new models for group processes and company systems. You can read more about the research here.

Our participants also tap into our mentorship community for ongoing coaching, consulting, and friendly advice. Our mentors come from places like Singapore, Mumbai, Dubai, Sydney, New York & Silicon Valley and include CEOs, venture capitalists, consultants, educators & entrepreneurs, designers, artists, futurists, psychologists and professionals from business, technology, and design companies like Google, 3M, and E&Y, to just mention a few.

Think this is an opportunity you want to pursue? Get in touch with and find out more about the center!