Global intelligence is the key to success in the workplace of the 21st century. Or so have proven SP Jain’s Master of Global Business (MGB) graduates. With a curriculum that imparts relevant global and real-world skills, SP Jain graduates stand out in the workplace for their analytical and decision-making abilities, and overall professional expertise.
Many of these graduates are making considerable strides at some of the world’s top companies and one of the most recent to highlight this is one top multinational — Heinz. “SP Jain graduates stand out largely, especially when compared with students from other business schools, for their overall professional competency and humility,” shared a senior management member from Heinz. “We are keen to only hire SP Jain graduates for our managerial talent requirements, whether in Marketing, Finance or Supply Chain.”
Among other things, the team from Heinz highlighted the following points about SP Jain’s graduates: