Blog | SP Jain School of Global Management

Working The Wanderlust: A Global Education at SP Jain

Written by S P Jain Blog | Dec 6, 2018 12:51:49 PM

Nadit Khatri is not only an SP Jain School of Global Management MGB student but also an active traveller and avid learner. Having been featured in various media, he is famed for travelling all over India – on a motorbike! His travel covered over 44,480 km while being on the road for over 1 year and 2 months. With a passion to travel, follow his journey with SP Jain Global as the tri-city education satisfies both his wanderlust and work goals. This is his story.


Traveller. Learner. Student.

Hi! I am Nadit Khatri, a student in the MGB program at SP Jain School of Global Management (SP Jain Global). On a personal level, I am an avid and active traveller who has been prominent in the travel industry for motorcycling all over and the whole of India – covering over 44,480 km while being on the road for over 1 year and 2 months.


That was completing my first step to living my purpose – “Travel the world & the seven seas”. I am also glad to share that this grabbed a lot of attention from the media including news channels on TV, radio and newspapers and I was also invited to deliver motivational talks.

However, this one’s not about me – I’d like to share more on how SP Jain Global has made my dreams possible.

Yes, that’s right. After the first step (completing India) to my purpose was the decision to keep two parallel lines of life: travel and the corporate life (that was merely designed to fund the other). It was an intense search!

I remember researching, learning and reading everything I found online; and even offline such as through word of mouth – but there was nothing really that I could find. It was then that I thought: “Why don’t I just search for travel and MBA together?”

And there it was. The result: SP Jain School of Global Management which left me in awe when I was familiarised with its tri-city education model.

The Search Is Over

When I first read about it, I found that the course here at SP Jain Global offers a business course that encompasses travelling to the three very vibrant cities in the world – Singapore, Sydney and Dubai.


It was more than just the idea of travelling to these different cities, but also the opportunity to learn from these three important markets. I am at the last leg of my tri-city education adventure with SP Jain Global, but it all started in Dubai, then to Australia and finally to Singapore, my current term – but it doesn’t end there, now that I’ve been placed (more on that later!)

Going Global

The world is getting smaller – which is why it is highly important to gain a global perspective. At SP Jain Global, we were extensively taught to learn, adapt and grow in the business perspective.

With living in Dubai, Singapore and Australia, it was an enhanced learning process where classroom learning was matched with on-field learning.

Personally, being there in each city is where the real global learning happens. By living there, I could observe and compare similarities and differences of the various cultures and people, grow my network around the world, recognise the strength in diversity, beliefs and ideas; alongside breaking the common misconceptions of different countries as a whole.

It’s when you are actually there that the real understanding happens, that’s when you understand the currency, the thinking and the lifestyle of the people. It is more than just the culture; it is about how the way of life is and thereby the customer perspective towards anything and everything.

To follow Nadit on his journey, look out for Part 2 – Working The Wanderlust: SP Jain in Dubai in next month’s newsletter.