Blog | SP Jain School of Global Management

Ninety Days at SP Jain – Vidhan Shah (MGLuxM Batch 10) Shares His Experience

Written by S P Jain Blog | Jun 30, 2022 11:31:00 AM

Ninety days of epiphany, peer-to-peer learning, and total immersion. For the past 3 months, I have been inhaling, experiencing, and discovering luxury in its various facets. At SP Jain, every element is orchestrated to create a symphony of seamless learning, indelible experiences, and enticing exposures.

Learning Centre 3, our classroom at SP Jain Mumbai campus, is our stage where we present, perform, debate, laugh, and munch (although that last bit is forbidden). Learning happens through case studies, live examples, and, most importantly, the experiences of our professors. Every module brings out a different spirit in us. Be it our communication class, where we often fail to negotiate civilly, the Director's class calls for the best behavior, and Italian course where everyone seems cheerful.

"Not all classrooms have four walls." SP Jain has captured the essence of this quote as students explore diverse, original, and unprecedented visits every fortnight. For us, these visits commenced by strolling through chic boulevards of South Mumbai, and admiring art galleries like Galerie Isa, Chatterjee & Lal, TARQ, and Jhaveri Contemporary. A seasoned artist accompanied us through this activity, helping me realise that art and luxury are two sides of the same coin; hence one needs to cultivate art appreciation.

We also got the golden ticket to embark on a yacht and understand the ethos, elements, and etiquettes of the lesser-known yachting industry. The dive into an uncharted luxury avenue was mesmerising and an opportunity to deck my Instagram feed with amazing captures.

The automobile industry holds a significant chunk of luxury, and visiting Boys & Machines gave us insights into this changing industry. The power talk covered topics like customer service and customer relationship management while also igniting our entrepreneurial spirit. However, in my personal opinion, nothing could defeat the immersion at the AstaGuru Auction House. It was a singular opportunity to understand what makes luxury timeless and uncover the world of secondhand luxury. This event gave us an insightful opportunity to connect with some alumni and view some timeless jewelry pieces, silverware artifacts, and collector's watches.

Next, the month of June brought with it two unique visits. First, we entered the world of luxury hotels at St Regis, aka House of Astor, which was instructive on various ends. We commenced by getting acquainted with the philosophy of St Regis via its history and unique rituals. Followed by power talks on topics like etiquettes, communication, and must-know vis-a-vis various facets of the House of Astor. We also explored the property and exchanged with managers, chef concierge, and butler, which was insightful. The day's highlight was the formal South Asian luncheon accompanied by a champagne flute.

The second was a visit to Sula vineyards in the wine region, Nashik, which was no short of a road trip. At Sula, we walked through the vinification from soup to nuts while acquiring the facts and logic behind the various operations. Further, we had our wine and cheese tasting workshop, wherein we savoured some of their best produce. Henceforth, this experience will help me strike a conversation at parties, gatherings, and dates.

This sums up a quarter of my journey at SP Jain, where I immersed myself in luxury via art and cultural outings, industry visits, and group presentations.

About the Author: Vidhan Shah (MGLUXM Intake of 2022) 

Vidhan Shah is currently pursuing the Master in Global Luxury Goods & Services Management program at SP Jain Global. Vidhan is a polyglot and is intrigued by modern and contemporary history. He aspires to appertain to the global world of business.

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