In this digital era, time has abridged so much! No one talks about years, months or days now – it is more about hours, minutes and seconds. The customer wants the services or products to be provisioned immediately at their fingertips seamlessly. Digital transformation is bringing disruption at every level. The old IT service management models are no longer relevant in this digital era.
The SMAC (Social, Mobile, Agile and Cloud) world needs next-level service management to cope up with the ever-changing demands of customers.
The new generation service management model needs to shift the mindset from the traditional inside-out approach to an innovative outside-in view which helps deliver more value to the customers. There needs to be hyper-focus on the customer experience. Emerging technologies like Cloud, IoT, and Blockchain are resulting in a rapid change of pace in the technical and Service Management framework.
Service culture needs to be embedded in the organisation with a focus on E10 principles:
There are organisations like Amazon, Apple, Google and Microsoft which are using these E10 Principle or similar models in their core work to go the extra mile and provide brilliant product and services to the end users and consumers.
In this Digital world, organisations are open to embrace change by using SALT framework – Sharing And Learning Together- to engage with customer and work in the direction to enhance end user experience.
By Implementing E10 or SALT framework, organisations avoid the “Watermelon Effect” (Outside Picture looks Green or painted okay, but as we slice down deeper to the get the true insights, it’s all red, bleeding, and painful)
With the mindset that every organisation in this digital world (from big corporations or small start-ups) is a service provider for enhancing the customer experience, they need to consider customer experience to be a lagging indicator having cascading effects. Organisations needs to work on developing or building the internal resource capabilities, partner ecosystem, or organization culture of Change management which is agile to address the ever-evolving digital world.