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SP Jain's




Alumni Mixer in SP Jain’s Dubai Campus – January 2017


S P Jain School of Global Management’s Dubai Campus organised an Alumni Mixer on 28th January, 2017, which was attended by the esteemed alumni from the GMBA Program.

S P Jain School of Global Management’s Dubai Campus organised an Alumni Mixer on 28th January, 2017, which was attended by the esteemed alumni from the GMBA Program.

Alumni MixerAlumni Mixer

The alumni interacted with the current GMBA May 2016 cohort in Dubai, and shared their experiences about how the program has given them the confidence to tackle the corporate world.

Alumni MixerAlumni Mixer

The alumni also spoke about their career journeys, the beginning of their careers after the GMBA, and how they have grown in their career and corporate paths.



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