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SP Jain Singapore Campus Welcomes the New Jags of 2017 – The Global Journey Begins

This year, the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program of SP Jain School of Global Management welcomed around 185 new Jaguars from 27 different nationalities including China, South Korea, India, Mauritius, Mexico, Russia, Southeast Asia, and Europe, among others.

While it is their first time in Singapore for many, a large number of students are also experiencing their first time living away from home. The Jaguars of 2017 have come together for their journey with SP Jain, learning and living in three different megacities of the world—Singapore, Dubai, and Sydney— immersing themselves in various environments, cultures and situations, becoming independent global business leaders. The new Jaguars will not just interact with people of different backgrounds, but also experience these new backgrounds first-hand.

Topics: BBA, Orientation

Mistake is the Best Teacher – Business Simulation for GFMB Batch 08

Business Simulation Class for Global Family Managed Business (GFMB) Program – Batch 08, 1st Contact / Month

September 6, 2017

Topics: Global Family Managed Business, Simulation

Meeting the Mentors - Toastmasters Excom and Mentor Quarterly meeting

Seven months ago, at the start of their Toastmasters journey, the SPJ Toastmasters Club was matched with their talented mentors, TM Phillip and TM Love.  “They both changed our lives, as we evolve as Toastmasters, enhancing our communication and leadership skills. We are so grateful that they took us under their wing”, said the Team as they met their mentors for an American breakfast spread at the Denny’s restaurant on 2nd September, 2017.

Topics: EMBA; Toastmaster

“The world through a Child’s Eye” – SPJ Toastmasters Club Meeting

‘Can you remember what it’s like to be a child? When you look back, you see those years through rose-colored glasses and its all happy memories. Do you watch how your children, nieces and nephews, or friends’ children interact with the world around them?’

Topics: EMBA; Toastmaster

Happiness by Choice- Project Giving

Aristotle had it right when he said “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”

Topics: Happiness by Choice

Experiencing the Mighty All Blacks – PG Students attend a Rugby League in Sydney

On 19 August 2017, SP Jain’s Postgraduate students experienced a truly local cultural experience – a Rugby match between the champions at Sydney Olympic Park! The world champions, New Zealand’s All Blacks, were coming to play Australia’s national team, the Wallabies. 

Topics: Global Learning at SP Jain, Sydney, GMBA, MGB

“Be Your Own Life Coach” – SPJ Toastmasters Club Meeting

“Be your own life coach – because it is not about the right or wrong, it’s about what is best for you”, said TM Love Charmaine, a seasoned toastmaster, as she gracefully chose to become the Toastmaster of the Day (TMOD) at the 10th successful meet of SPJ Toastmasters Club on 12th August, 2017.

Topics: EMBA; Toastmaster

Experiencing Jewellery Manufacture - MGLuxM Factory Visit to Diyaan

Occasions Everyday! That’s the essence at Diyaan.

The students of Masters in Global Luxury Goods and Services Management experienced the same at Diyaan’s factory-workshop which spoke volumes not only about the process of jewellery manufacturing but also celebrating the little things that come along the way.

Topics: Luxury Management, Industry Visit

The Importance of Understanding your Brand Purpose and Customer – PG Students Visit Property Guru

When we talk about creativity in branding and marketing, we tend to think about hip, young, and mostly fast-moving consumer products. Our minds do not really move towards the real estate industry. On the contrary, even if its market can be exciting and lucrative, real estate is often seen as something more conservative and boring.

As our Master of Global Students (MGB) students found out recently, nothing can be further from the truth.

On 14 July 2017, a group of students from SP Jain’s Singapore Campus visited the Singapore office of PropertyGuru Group (PropertyGuru) at their Somerset Triple One office. Voted by consumers as “Asia’s Most Influential Brand for Online Property Search” in 2016, PropertyGuru Group helps millions of people every month find their homes.

So, what is the secret to their massive success?

Topics: Global Learning, Master of Global Business