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SP Jain's






22 January 2016

22 January 2016

Singapore is a symbol of modernity, perseverance, and a union of Eastern heritage and today’s innovation. In the midst of this all parliament house of Singapore stands as the pillar on which today’s Singapore was built.

On 22nd of January 2016, the Global Learning Committee of SP Jain School of Global Management arranged a trip to the Singapore Parliament House to familiarize its GMBA and MGB students of the values and principles the place stands for. Our guides for the day were not only knowledgeable of the significance of the place but also enthusiastic in imparting their knowledge. The tour started with a meticulous and thorough security check, an example of Singaporean efficiency and thoroughness. It then led to a short video of Singapore’s political history. It showcased the clear strategy and vision of the father of the nation, the late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. We had always heard how important Mr. Lee Kuan Yew has been in the growth of Singapore. But we now truly understood the significance of his contribution, during this trip to the parliament house. 



Mr. Lee was the one who envisioned Singapore as a sovereign and self-governing nation and worked towards making that dream a reality. It was because of his contribution and commitment to his people that today, Singapore is a free, successful, and economically relevant country. The world has its eyes on the growth of Singapore and has much to learn from the way it functions, like a well-oiled machine. 

The tour further informed us of the structure of the government. The Singaporean government has three facets, the parliament itself, which functions as the legislative body, the judiciary, and the executive. We passed through the photo gallery which showcased the parliament bodies of Singapore from its inception. From the beginning, every ethnic body in Singapore has had fair representation in the parliament, a concept many countries still lack today. We also passed the central atrium and viewed the bust of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew on display, the only one commissioned with his approval.


The tour finally took us to stranger’s gallery, the area for visitors to sit from whence they can view the parliament in session. Here we were told about the key position holders, their functions, and where they are seated. The audience included the party members in power, the opposition party and leaders, the parliament speaker, legal clerks, and so on. 

It was truly a wonderful experience for people who were experiencing Singapore for the first time as it highlighted the main principles and values Singapore stands for.



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