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SP Jain Singapore Signs MOU with Maharashtra Mandal Singapore to Promote Global Employability


On 29 December 2017, SP Jain Global’s Singapore campus signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Maharashtra Mandal Singapore (MMS). MMS is a non-profit social organisation made up of both local and foreign Maharashtrian Indian diaspora.

On 29 December 2017, SP Jain Global’s Singapore campus signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Maharashtra Mandal Singapore (MMS). MMS is a non-profit social organisation made up of both local and foreign Maharashtrian Indian diaspora.

As a part of SP Jain Singapore’s Corporate Social Responsibility initiative to help develop and widen the pool of skilled local talents, SP Jain Singapore will commit to provide scholarships and training to MMS’s members. In addition, the MOU also includes initiatives such as entrepreneurial training for female members of MMS and personal effectiveness and leadership workshops.

Signs MOU with Maharashtra Mandal Singapore

Commenting on this new partnership, Dr. John Fong, CEO and Head of Singapore Campus at SP Jain Global shared, “We are proud of this new partnership and are eager to work with MMS on a number of strategic initiatives. These initiatives are mutually beneficial and will provide an edge for MMS members to build on the established strengths of SP Jain.”

The initiative does not limit to the professional working adults but also the youths of MMS. There will be career counselling for youths and the chance to take part in the "Shadow the Professionals" project. “Shadow the Professionals” allows youths to have first-hand work experiences by spending several hours with a professional who works in their field of interest.

Maharashtra Mandal Singapore's President Asmita Tadwalkar commented, “MMS is happy to partner with SP Jain Singapore, an alliance that will bring exciting synergies to the fore. We look forward to the unique collaborative opportunities that will be created along the way.



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