The SP Jain Toastmasters Club in Dubai hosted its 2nd Annual Public Speaking Internal Club Contest on 26th January 2019. It was an engaging learning experience not only for the passionate current Executive MBA students and Alumni participants, but also for all the attendees.
SPJ Toastmasters Club is a platform for individuals to hone their speaking skills, thinking skills and leadership skills through active participation in Toastmasters activities and it aims to provide an ongoing communications and leadership training facility within the club.

Dignitaries like Division B Director DTM Ramesh Menon, our own Area 23 Director TM Saro Tharyan and the Area 46 Director TM Sashidhar graced the event with their warmth and encouragement.
On the occasion of India’s Republic Day, Acting SAA TM Harsha began the event on a patriotic note with an engaging speech. The club coach – acting President TM Mohan Kamath – and DD DTM Ramesh Menon motivated all the participants to nominate themselves to join the contest. The contest was directed by Chief Judge TM Saro Tharyan. Six participants moved ahead for evaluation. Our emcee, TM Shamili, hosted the meeting efficiently.
TM Joseph conducted the Table Topics contest, TM Avril became the Contest Chair for Evaluation on the spot and Sadasivam (EMBA Batch 39) was appointed the Humorous Speech Contest Chair.

A senior executive in the audience noted, “It was wonderful to witness the enthusiasm among the new Toastmasters.”
Hats off to all the impromptu contestants and congratulations to all the winners!
Here’s the list of winners below:
• Table Topics Contest
First Place: AB Lakshmanan (EMBA Batch 39)
Second Place: Biju Mathew (EMBA Batch 42)
Third Place: Amith Kapoor (EMBA Batch 42)
• Evaluation Contest:
First Place: Amith Kapoor (EMBA Batch 42)
Second Place: AB Lakshmanan (EMBA Batch 39)
Third Place: Nabeel (EMBA Batch 42)
• Humorous Speech Contest:
First Place: AB Lakshmanan (EMBA Batch 39)
Second Place: Biju Mathew (EMBA Batch 42)
Third Place: Devang (EMBA Batch 37)
The three First Place winners advance to the Area Contest which will be held on 1st March 2019. Team SP Jain wishes them all the best!
To see more photos from the event, click here.