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Team bonding and cultural exploration in Singapore


On 14th September, the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Class of 2024 embarked on their first Global Learning Activity in Singapore, the Amazing Race. This initiative was designed to enhance team bonding and offer students a chance to explore the city's rich cultural heritage. 

On 14th September, the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Class of 2024 embarked on their first Global Learning Activity in Singapore, the Amazing Race. This initiative was designed to enhance team bonding and offer students a chance to explore the city's rich cultural heritage. 


The activity began with participants forming groups to explore the city together. They visited iconic landmarks such as Marina Bay Sands, Lau Pa Sat, the National Museum, and Universal Studios. Each stop provided an opportunity to learn about Singapore's unique fusion of traditions and modern life while enjoying the vibrant ambiance that makes the city-state stand out.


As they travelled, students enjoyed a variety of local treats and engaged in friendly challenges. This activity highlighted the importance of teamwork, allowing everyone to forge lasting memories while discovering their new surroundings.


Throughout this engaging event, students learned key lessons about cooperation and communication. The diverse opinions within their groups added depth to discussions and enhanced problem-solving effectiveness, demonstrating how teamwork can help achieve shared goals. 





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