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SP Jain and Monash University collaborate for Business Case Study Competition 2022

SP Jain School of Global Management’s Centre for Research in Global Business Learning organised its inaugural Business Case Study Competition in collaboration with Monash University, one of the top universities in Australia.

Topics: BBA, GMBA, Undergraduate Programs, Postgraduate Programs, BEC, Global Events at SP Jain, Master of Global Business, DBA

Watch the Virtual Graduation Ceremony of SP Jain’s Class of 2021

On July 24, 2021, 197 students from our Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Data Science cohorts and 165 students from our Master of Global Business, Global MBA, Executive MBA and Doctor of Business Administration cohorts graduated and crossed yet another significant milestone! We are incredibly proud of our graduates for their accomplishments, hard work and resilience.

Topics: BBA, GMBA, Undergraduate Programs, Postgraduate Programs, EMBA, BEC, Global Events at SP Jain, Bachelor of Data Science, Master of Global Business, DBA

Overview of Commodity Derivatives Exchange in the City of Gold: Dubai

The city has historically been an international hub for the physical trade, not only for gold, but also many other commodities. Hence, a visit to the Dubai Gold & Commodities Exchange (DGCX) was a must for the students of PG Global Finance & Bachelor of Business Economics - to understand its role and process in the UAE with regional and international contexts. The visit happened on 23rd March 2017.

Established in 2005, DGCX was the region’s first commodity derivatives exchange and has today become the leading derivatives exchange in the Middle East. Students learnt that DGCX is a subsidiary of Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC), a strategic initiative of the Government of Dubai, with a mandate to enhance commodity trade flows through the Emirate. It does so by providing the appropriate physical and financial infrastructure, market, and services required. The Management team of DGCX comprises senior personnel from the commodities, securities and financial services industries, bringing a wealth of experience and expertise to ensure the success of DGCX.

Topics: GMBA, Finance, BEC