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DBA student wins the Future of Healthcare challenge organised by Innovation Think Tank, Siemens Healthineers

We are thrilled to share that SP Jain School of Global Management’s Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) student, Megna Kalvani, was part of the winning team to bag the first position during the outcome presentation at the Innovation Management & Leadership Certification Program (IMLEAP) hosted by Innovation Think Tank, Siemens Healthineers.

Topics: Dubai Campus, DBA

An Evening of Learning and Networking – SP Jain hosts Alumni Mixer in Singapore

SP Jain School of Global Management’s Singapore campus had the pleasure of welcoming our alumni for the Alumni Mixer with our current Global MBA (GMBA) and Master of Global Business (MGB) students on Thursday, November 14, 2019.

Topics: Alumni, GMBA, Singapore Campus, Postgraduate Programs, Master of Global Business

Masterclass, Knowledge Sharing & more in Poland

Prof Christopher Abraham, Professor and Head of Campus (Dubai), SP Jain, and Dr Anna Tarabasz, Assistant Professor – Marketing and Deputy Director – MGB Internships, SP Jain, interacted with students and representatives of leading universities in a series of conference, masterclasses and more in Poland from October 20-24, 2019.

Topics: Global Events at SP Jain

SP Jain signs MoU with St Petersburg, Russian Federation

SP Jain School of Global Management signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in the field of Education with the Association of the Vice Rectors for International Relations of the Northwest Higher Educational Institutions (St Petersburg, Russian Federation) and Saint-Petersburg State Coordination Center for Scientific, Technical and Educational Programs.

Topics: Global Events at SP Jain, Dubai Campus

Welcoming Her Excellency, Dorte Bech Vizard, Ambassador of Denmark

SP Jain School of Global Management had the privilege and honour of welcoming Her Excellency, Dorte Bech Vizard, Ambassador of Denmark to the Singapore campus on October 24, 2019. Her Excellency was warmly greeted by Dr John Fong, CEO & Head of Campus (Singapore), SP Jain, along with our staff and student ambassadors.

Topics: Singapore Campus, Global Events at SP Jain

BrainSim 2019 – SP Jain organises Inter-School Business Simulation Competition

SP Jain School of Global Management organised the fifth edition of BrainSim, its annual Inter-School Business Simulation Competition, at the Dubai campus on October 23, 2019. 13 schools and 30 groups participated in this year’s event.

Topics: Global Events at SP Jain, Dubai Campus

SP Jain and NUS organise SNBP Debating Championship 2019

SP Jain School of Global Management in collaboration with the National University of Singapore Debate Team organised the second edition of Singapore Novice British Parliamentary (SNBP) Debating Championship from October 19-20, 2019 in the Singapore campus.

Topics: Singapore Campus, Global Events at SP Jain

Global Learning: BBA students visit the Singapore Parliament

On October 2, 2019, our Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) September 2019 cohort, with an innate interest to learn the history and traditions of Singapore, visited the Parliament. Organised by the Global Learning team, the visit gave our students (Jaguars) the opportunity to learn about the Singapore parliamentary system of government, roles and functions, and various personalities in the house.

Topics: BBA, Singapore Campus, Global Learning at SP Jain

Dragon Boat Racing: A unique cultural experience so ‘oar-inspiring’

On September 22, 2019, as part of the Global Learning experience, our Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) September 2019 cohort students (Jaguars) were given a fantastic thrill of dragon boating in Singapore, experiencing the Southeast Asian culture and Chinese traditions.

Topics: BBA, Singapore Campus, Global Learning at SP Jain